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Though we could not find any information about the planet 5251977 on Wookiepedia that we covered in episode 6, we expect this planet to be in the wild space region, and we are not sure if it has appeared in any seperate films, shows, or games, besides a novel called lost stars, in which we are currently researching. We in the clone armies of the 915th Elite Battalion and the 661st Brotallion (plus me and Sa-rah) will continue our search for more facts of this planet, and if we find anything or not, we will keep you informed. Thank you for your time. -Clone Commander 2D-avi / CA's: 915th, 661st / Elkins Park system


iego's rays that shot out of its crater were yellow. it would rebound off of its 1,000 moons, creating a maze of yellow rays. Only the bravest pilots could fly through this trap, and not many of them have succeeded. Apparently, Anakin and Obi-wan are the only ones we know who have had success getting past the Ghost of Drol, plus destroying it on their way out. The planet might have also been populated by many spice mines, since their most major export was spice. here is a picture of the maze of rays around iego.



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